Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally


Four Minnesota FFA members were named as the organization’s top achievers during the third general session of the state FFA convention Monday night at 3M Arena at Mariucci.  These recognitions are known as the Star awards and are presented annually to the top individuals from four different Supervised Agricultural Experience areas.  The Star Farmer award went to Isaac Lendt of the Sleepy Eye FFA Chapter.  He has raised 400 hogs each summer on his family’s farm and that has allowed him to contribute $40-thousand toward his college education.  He is planning to pursue pre-medicine in college.   The Star in Agricultural Production Placement was awarded to Rachel Dose of the Sibley East FFA Chapter.  She works on her family’s cow-calf feedlot and grain farm.  Her work has netted her over $45-thousand to put toward her college degree in animal science and agricultural communications.  Also receiving awards – Olivia Noble of the KMS FFA Chapter was awarded the Star in Agriculture, food and natural resource sciences and Jaime Johnson of the West Central Area Chapter was awarded the Star in Agribusiness.