Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally


The Hanska Fire Department has released the winners from its ice fishing contest Saturday.  Kyle Remus caught the biggest fish of the day – a 5.2 pound walleye.  Raffle winners were David Hoffmann and John Giefer both winning ATVs.  $500 went to Brian Engholm, $250 to Brett Baumgartner and Arnie Smesmo and $100 went to Shannon Mosenden, Katie Lux, Anne Grunert, Randy Faber and Jill Beckius.  The Fire department says there were also 25-inch, 22-inch and 19-inch walleyes caught.  This Sunday, the Sleepy Eye Sportsmen’s Club annual fishing derby will take place on Sleepy Eye Lake.  Fishing will return this year after not happening last year due to warm conditions.  Fishing will go from noon to 3 with prizes given out at 3:15 pm.