Morris Wins the One-Act Section Competition
For the first time since 2009, the Morris Area High School One Act team will be heading to the State One-Act Festival after taking First Place in Saturday’s Sections competition in Tyler. Morris took the top honors with their performance of “Yerma” by Frederico Garcia Lorca, which retells the heartbreaking tale of isolation and the desire for motherhood through the life of a 1930s housewife in Nebraska. Seven other schools competed in the Sections competition. RTR took second place, Central Minnesota Christian School took third, and Murray County Central took fourth place.
The State One-Act Festival will be held Thursday, February 6 at the O’Shaughnessy Auditorium on the campus of St. Catherine’s University in St. Paul. Morris will perform at 2:15 p.m. There are seven graduating seniors in the cast and crew: Zach Dietz, Joshua Price, Jackson Hallman, Angela Albrecht, Aria Chatters, Truett Richards, and Abi Alcantar. Director Kelly White said she wanted to choose a show that represented a strong female story and voice. A State send-off for the One-Act students will be held on Wednesday. (Photo Credit to Paula Kill.)