Sam Hunt Mughsot Released
Sam Hunt’s mugshot was just released from last week’s arrest near Nashville, TN. However, he likely be facing more charges after all.
He got pulled over for speeding last Monday and the cops arrested him for not having an Interlock device on the vehicle. That device is a breathalyzer used to start your car. He was busted for DUI and an open container in 2019 and pled guilty in 2021. As part of his sentence, he was to have the Interlock.
Sam was clocked doing 85 in a 70 when he got pulled over last Monday. Cops saw the Interlock order when they ran his license and he didn’t have one in the Ford F-250 he was in.
His rep told TMZ he won’t face charges though. They said his lawyer “cleared the paperwork in court this week” and he isn’t being charged beyond just the speeding ticket.
PHOTO CREDIT: Henderson County Sheriff’s Department via TMZ