Saturday, June 22, 2024
2014 Jeep Trailhawk 4wd with 135,000 miles, $14,000. 689-4478.
Unlocked TracFone Nokia C100 smartphone. 8 mp camera, 3 GB RAM, quad-core 2.0 GHz. Black in color with a 5.45′ screen, $50. Set of eight individually packed new Ez Start Champion 5861 RJ19 spark plugs. All eight can be used on push mowers, weed trimmers, leaf blowers, garden tillers, and snow blowers, $50. Pick up in the Erskine area. 533-4072.
Firewood bundles. 275-0512.
Wrought iron glider swing, $50. 701-352-8476.
8ft crank up slide in pickup camper, $2,000. 688-7535.