Stearns/Meeker County Fires
A house was destroyed by fire Saturday afternoon in Stearns County.
At about 3:20pm, crews responded to a fire reported at 21453 430th Street in Krain Township.
The caller and sole occupant, 81-year-old Irene Schmitz reported smoke on the main floor and flames coming through the windows of the second floor. She also said everyone was out of the home.
The home was partially heated with a wood stove and Schmitz reported adding some wood around 1:30 pm and noticed smoke in the kitchen area shortly after 3pm. She went outside to investigate further and noticed flames on the second story above the kitchen area.
Freeport, Holdingford, Albany, and Melrose Fire Departments responded to the fire.
There were no injuries.
A shed and its contents were destroyed by fire Saturday afternoon in Meeker County.
The Sheriff’s Office says at about 3:45pm, they received a report of the fire in the 59000 block of CSAH 3 in Mannanah Township.
On arrival, deputies saw a shed engulfed in fire.
Eden Valley and Watkins Fire Departments reponded.
It is believed the fire was due to a wood-burning stove attached to the shed.
The shed and its contents are a total loss.
The property is owned by 83-year-old Richard Millerbernd.
No one was injured.