Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally

Trading Post recap: 1/22/25

Trading Post 1-22

  • For Sale: 2000 Chevy Corvette, SmokerCraft boat, Polaris side-by-side 

612 224 6291 Faribault


  • For Sale: 2007 Arctic Cat M 1000 snowmobile w/ 4,500 miles, long track, rider forward seat, w/ new bearings, brand new high fax, well maintained $2,600 obo can deliver in area 

507 456 6705 Owatonna


  • For Sale: antique car testing equipment including: spark plug tester, coil tester and distributor tester, Allstate electric train includes: engine, 5 cars, track and transformer 

952 994 0900 Cologne


  • For Sale: 8*10 ft. wheelhouse fish house 5 holes, bunks, everything works $750 

Lonsdale 507 581 0824


  • For Sale: Massey Ferguson 35 Special tractor, FarmAll 300 tractor w/ loader and snowbucket, both fully serviced 

Henderson 507 351 0450


  • Wanted: Haybuster or similar feed processor PTO driven 

952 955 3129 Watertown


  • Wanted: used oil 10-400 gallons

952 454 1648, 612 743 6473 Shakopee


  • For Sale: commode holds up to 350 lb. capacity $30, bed for disabled person $30 

763 313 1044 Jordan