Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally

Trading Post recap: 1/27/25

Trading Post 1-27

  • For Sale: pair of dressers one 37 inches high, one 57 inches high cream colored to sell together, various bicycles, leather couch cream colored $30 

Medford 507 213 1005


  • Wanted: hard cover Readers Digest books for art project  

952 201 2677 Minneapolis call or text 


  • Wanted: place to rent in Owatonna/Faribault area, For Sale: Chevy Corvette w/ clear title, Polaris 1100 side-by-side 

612 224 6291 Faribault


  • For Sale: Everclean 40 gallon natural gas self cleaning water heater $150 in good shape 

Lonsdale 952 956 4774 


  • For Sale: pair of brand new Carhart bibb overalls size XXL, Wanted: decent car for granddaughter 

507 665 2150 Henderson


  • For Sale: propane sunflower heater for 20 lb. tank $20, 12 volt ice auger $30 

Prior Lake 952 447 8741


  • For Sale: two 28 ft. van trailers set up for liquid w/ pumps and hoses, one 3,000 gallons, one 4,000 gallons 

952 292 2796 South of Belle Plaine