Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally

Trading Post recap: 1/30/25

Trading Post 1-30

  • For Sale: 1981 Weeres 20 ft. pontoon w/ 35 horse Johnson motor, trailer, new red deck carpeting, two pedestal seats, canvass cover $2,500 

952 374 7395 Lydia


  • For Sale: three different clocks, twin air mattress w/ built in pump, set of 1998 Campbell soup bowls

507 573 3398 Faribault


  • For Sale: set of Bridgestone tires size 245*60R18 $200 

507 382 2638 Le Sueur


  • Wanted: John Deere chainsaw model CS56 or CS62 for parts, need not run 

Henderson 612 363 6806 


  • Wanted: four feeder pigs 

952 200 8387 Elko


  • Wanted: full sized van or minivan in good running condition, parts for FilterQueen vacuum 

507 381 8119 St. Peter


  • Wanted: Lionel trains or American Flyer trains 

Prior Lake 952 447 6665


  • Wanted: pair of 15.5*38 or 16.5*38 rear tractor tires 

Norwood 952 201 9680


  • For Sale: set of 17 inch Grand Cherokee Lerado chrome rims, Weather Wech floor mats 

507 838 2737 Medford


  • For Sale: Strike Master 10 inch laser bit, brand new Cabela’s soft case, two small propane tanks w/ lantern and sunflower heater, can send pics 

612 790 8888 Webster


  • For Sale: older electric hospital bed w/ new mattress $350 obo 

Faribault 507 330 1182


  • Free: old tractor tires, firewood 

Waterville 507 685 2285


  • Wanted: lawn tractors and utility tractors 

507 330 6347 Faribault