Empowering Communities, Celebrating Minnesota Locally

Waconia Among Recipients of DEED Cleanup Grants

St. Paul, MN – The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) has announced $6.9 million for 11 communities to assess and clean up contaminated sites for private or public redevelopment. The city of Waconia is among the recipients.

The grants are expected to create 481 new jobs, collectively increase local tax bases by $4.7 million, and leverage more than $395 million in private investment.

The Contamination Cleanup and Investigation grants pay up to 75% of the costs to assess and clean up polluted sites.

DEED awarded the city of Waconia $248,302 for a nearly 1-acre site at Olive and 2nd Streets contaminated with petroleum and other contaminants. Historically developed as single-family homes, a service station, and surface parking, the site will be redeveloped as a 92-unit, multi-family apartment complex with 3,000 square feet of retail space. It is anticipated this project will create 15 jobs, increase the tax base by $323,045 and leverage $27 million of private investment. The developer will provide matching funds.